Countdown: Six months

Sue Kiker
3 min readMar 15, 2021

Back in November 2020, I announced that my husband and I intended to move to Mexico sometime in the next twelve months. In February, after we had sent in our visa applications, I started having dreams about saying goodbye to loved ones.

Last night I had a strange dream where crowds of people were walking towards a concrete ramp that led up towards a platform. My ex-husband was telling me to come on, we’ve got to go. I turned and looked at the place I had been sitting and saw my coat, a purse, a pillow, and some other items. I remember feeling a twinge of regret, saying, “What about my stuff? Do I just leave it here?” I finally turned to follow the stream of people and told myself, “It will be ok.” That’s when I woke up.

In waking life, I find myself saying that a lot: It will be ok. It has become my mantra to keep myself calm and help me stay in the moment. Otherwise, my mind has a way of wandering around unsupervised, and starts making up all kinds of horror stories. You see, until last week, moving to Mexico was mostly a thought experiment. But now…

Monday, March 8, we were in Kansas City, Missouri for an appointment at the Mexican Consulate to review our visa applications (which we had sent back in January). Our review went well; our applications were approved.

Our visa applications are approved as of March 8, 2021.

The woman at the consulate made it very clear we had 6 months from that date to make our permanent move or we would have to start the application process all over again.

We have six months. By September 8th, we must be in Mexico. With our cats. To live permanently.

My husband said as soon as she told us our visas were approved, he was no longer nervous. As for me, I was still feeling nervous. (I have an almost limitless capacity to worry about stuff that isn’t happening and may never happen.) But I was also feeling a lot more committed to making this work.

That appointment at the consulate was 7 days ago. In the last week, we have gotten rid of our guest bed, two bookcases, several loads of clothing, bedding, books and knick knacks. We have lined up over $6000 worth of plumbing repairs, landscaping, and handyman work to happen within the next month. We have a date with a realtor. We have contacted family and friends to offer them first dibs on family heirlooms, artwork, and furniture. We have lined up general checkups with our doctors, eye appointments, mammogram (only one, thanks), hearing test (again, only one), and dentists. We have informed our employers and co-workers of our intentions, even though we don’t yet have a definitive date.

Our little thought experiment has exploded into a frenzy of activity. One of the best things about this phase of our journey is that having a lot to do allows little time for worry. I don’t fret now. I don’t have time. I just make lists. There are other pluses about this time too, like getting rid of thousands of pounds of clutter, finally getting the house clean for once, and being able to offer furniture and household items to people who are finding themselves in need, like the recently divorced young woman who is now the proud owner of our guest bed and bookcases.

We still have five months and three weeks before the clock runs out. It’s impossible to know how soon we will be able to move. My goal, aside from getting all four of us (2 humans, 2 cats) to Mexico with time to spare, is to get through the next few months in such a way that when I look back on my way out, I have nothing to regret.



Sue Kiker

Born and raised in the U.S., Sue now lives in Michoacan, Mexico with her family. Her primary avocations are crafting, writing and traveling.